Experiment manual Acoustics, english

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Acoustics 1 SE

Sound generation
AKS 1.1           Sound generation with the ruler
AKS 1.2           Sound generation with the drum
AKS 1.3           Vibrations at the tuning fork
AKS 1.4           Sound generation and amplification

Analysis of sound
AKS 2.1           Sound - harmonic oscillation
AKS 2.3           Tones are vibrations
AKS 2.4           Tone, sound, noise, bang
AKS 2.5           Pitch and loudness
AKS 2.6a         Sound level and volume
AKS 2.6b         Sound level - recording
AKS 2.6c         Sound level of several sound sources
AKS 2.7           Frequency determination
AKS 2.8           Audible range

Sound propagation
AKS 3.1           Propagation of sound waves - Slinky
AKS 3.2           Sound propagation in air
AKS 3.3           Sound propagation in solids
AKS 3.4           Sound propagation in liquids
AKS 3.5           Sound insulation - Sound attenuation
AKS 3.6           Sound insulation - for our hearing

Sound and our body
AKS 4.1           Sound and body - directional hearing
AKS 4.2           Sound and body - bone conduction


Acoustics 2 SE

Standing waves
AKS 5.1           Standing waves
AKS 5.2           Standing waves - speed of sound

Resonance and Reflection
AKS 6.1           Reflection of sound, echo
AKS 6.2           Resonance at two tuning forks

Wave phenomena
AKS 7.1           Interference at a tuning fork
AKS 7.2a         Interference - beat (2 tuning forks)
AKS 7.2b         Interference - beat (1 tuning fork, 1 loudspeaker)
AKS 7.3           Doppler Effect - Acoustics