MPL Number systems DE940-0A (4 experiments):
EIC 0.01 Decimal number system
EIC 0.02 Binary number system
EIC 0.03 Hexadecimal number system
EIC 0.04 Converting between number systems
MPL COMBO DE945-1E (30 experiments)
EIC 1.1.01 NOT-gate
EIC 1.1.02 AND-gate
EIC 1.1.03 OR gate
EIC 1.1.04 NAND gate
EIC 1.1.05 NAND gate from AND and NOT gates
EIC 1.1.06 NOR gate
EIC 1.1.07 NOR gate from OR and NOT gates
EIC 1.1.08 EXOR gate
EIC 1.1.09 EXOR gate 1 (with AND gate)
EIC 1.1.10 EXOR gate 2 (with OR gate)
EIC 1.1.11 NOT gate from NAND gates
EIC 1.1.12 AND gate from NAND gates
EIC 1.1.13 OR gate from NAND gates
EIC 1.1.14 NOT gate from NOR gates
EIC 1.1.15 AND gate from NOR gates
EIC 1.1.16 OR gate from NOR gates
EIC 1.1.17 De Morgan 1 (NAND)
EIC 1.1.18 De Morgan 2 (NOR)
EIC 1.1.19 RS flip-flop from 2 NAND gates
EIC 1.1.20 RS flip-flop from 2 NOR gates
EIC 1.1.21 RS flip-flop (NAND) with a switch and cycle
EIC 1.1.22 RS flip-flop (NOR) with a switch and cycle
EIC 1.1.23 D flip-flop from NAND gates
EIC 1.1.24 D flip-flop from NOR gates
EIC 1.1.25 Half adder 1
EIC 1.1.26 Half adder 2
EIC 1.1.27 Half adder with EXOR gate
EIC 1.1.28 Full adder
EIC 1.1.29 Coder circuit (decimal - binary)
EIC 1.1.30 Decoder circuit (binary - decimal)
MPL CONTROLLING DE945-2E (12 experiments)
EIC 1.2.01 Door control
EIC 1.2.02 Motor control
EIC 1.2.03 Light control
EIC 1.2.04 Double security circuit
EIC 1.2.05 Heating control
EIC 1.2.06 Thermal protection
EIC 1.2.07 Fire detector
EIC 1.2.08 Air conditioning control
EIC 1.2.09 Alarm system 1
EIC 1.2.10 Alarm system 2
EIC 1.2.11 Wasching machine control
EIC 1.2.12 Refrigerator
IC 7400 (4 NANDs) DE943-4E (6 experiments):
EIC 1.3.01 AND from 2 NANDs
EIC 1.3.02 NOT from 2 NANDs
EIC 1.3.03 NOR from 3 NANDs
EIC 1.3.04 OR from 3 NANDs
EIC 1.3.05 Fire detector (AND from 2 NANDs)
EIC 1.3.06 Light control (OR from 3 NANDs)