Equipment set for carrying out 141 experiments on the topic Chemistry.
You can see the exact contents of the equipment and the experiment topics in the attached "Appendices".
If you only want to carry out individual experiments, you are welcome to select them in the Xperimente Configurator (see Experiments).
(see Experiments).
Die Liste beinhaltet jene Chemikalien, die für die Durchführung Schülerversuche Chemie erforderlich sind. Die Mengen sind ein geschätzter Jahresbedarf für etwa 6 – 8 Schülergruppen. (DEU)
C9903-4A Chemikalienliste (PDF) (18.76KB)
The list contains the chemicals required to carry out chemistry experiments for students. The quantities are an estimated annual requirement for about 6 - 8 groups of students. (ENG)
C9903-4A List of chemicals (PDF) (24.73KB)