Alternative energyconversion - Gasoline engine
ELD 01.1: Electrical circuits
ELD: 01.4 Two-way switch
ELD 06.9: Model of a moving iron instrument
ELD 08.10: Voltage transformation in a non-loaded transformer
ELD 10.4: Two-pole rotor in a magnetic field
EOD 04.3: Charging a capacitor
EOD 10.14: Universal alarm circuit
ELI 021: Application of Ohm's Law
ELI 076: Dynamic effect of a flexible current-carrying conductor within the inhomogeneous magnetic field of a bar magnet
ELI 113: Current balance – quantitative
ELI 148: Waltenhof (eddy current) pendulum
ELI 178: Voltage transformation in a non-loaded transformer
O 04: Eclipse of the moon (model)
O 27: Photoconductor flexible
O 54: Dispersion of color
O 59: Subtractive mixture of colors
19.07: Dynamic pressure in an air stream - Aerodynamics
19.13: Air resistance - Aerodynamics
16.13: Effect of airpressure with DM340-8B - Balloons,set of 10
16.13: Effect of airpressure with DM340-8B - Balloons,set of 10
16.13: Effect of airpressure on a rubber glove
16.13: Effect of airpressure on a chocolate marshmallow
16.13: Effect of airpressure at the sound transmission
16.13: Effect of airpressure on a barometer
16.13: Effect of airpressure with DM590-1D - Metal can with stopper and tube
16.13: Effect of airpressure with DM530-1B - Bubble burster with hose fitting
16.13: Effect of airpressure with DM530-1B - Bubble burster with hose fitting
3.8: Alarm by means of light barriers
8.2: Automatic level measuring
2.3: The electroscope
3.5: The earth´s magnetic field
5.4: Uniformly accelerated movement
4.1: Refraction at convex lenses
7.2: Slide projector
AES 1.1: Combustion process in the gasoline engine
AES 7.2: The short-term energy storage as an energy source